Eyes Wide Open by V.M. Sanford

Can making the decision to help your family be the right one, even if it means you spend your life miserable without the one you love?
For Spencer, this is the future he faces....
He has loved his best friend for as long as he can remember. Not wanting to upset his family though, he plans to go ahead and marry Lydia for the security it will bring to the family business.
Jason is in love with Spencer, always has been, always will. He needs to get his head around the fact though that it isn't reciprocated.
If only they had both been brave enough before now to confess to each other. But it's too late right??
With the wedding looming and only the batchelor party between them and true love, what could possibly go wrong?
Or right as the case may be...
Join the two men and Jason's family on a final hurrah in New York and find out if true love will win the day.
A fabulous start to a new series, I look forward to seeing where we head next.
5 out of 5 stars.
Sue x