Wake by K Evan Coles and Brigham Vaughn

Wake by K Evan Coles & Brigham Vaughn - 4 stars
This book is the first one about two best friends Carter and Riley. They meet at college and remain the closest of friends all the way through to married life. However, their relationship exceeds the boundaries of what may be considered normal for two men, and the story is he exploration of their love for one another. Neither man is out or will eve admit their feelings for and to each other, yet it is clear by their actions that the bond between them is deep. The authors go into a lot of detail outlining their lives and their relationships and how both Carter and Riley feel about not being able to live true to themselves. Later on Riley takes bold move which threatens their friendship and tests them both in every aspect of their lives.
This was a beautifully written book and well crafted. The levels detail was incredible and it flowed very nicely. At times I found it a little dull but overall it held my interest and I found the characters to be engaging and interesting. I was drawn into their lives and felt their angst, stress, and at times joy. I think maybe a little more excitement would have made this a 5 star read for me as I found it a touch depressing and was also a tiny bit uncomfortable with some of their antics. However, this was a realistic book and with that comes some unpleasantness that many people face in their lives and I think the authors did well to depict it from all points of view. I'm very interested and keen to read the next book in the series and discover what the future holds for Carter and Riley.