Stay (Working out the Kinks book 1) by K.M. Neuhold

Stay (Working Out The Kinks Book 1) – KM Neuhold 4 stars
Stay is as cute as the puppies that feature in it!
Jonas and Lars have been together since birth and as a couple for 10 years. They both think there could be nothing more perfect than the wonderful, fulfilling life they have built together. They enjoy a healthy sex life, great careers as a doctor and vet respectively, and have good friends. Nothing overly exciting, but it suits them both and they are seemingly content. That is until Jonas decides he wants to be a puppy! At the local Pride event he sees a group of puppies and handlers that kindles something deep within him. He goes on to research and explore the possibilities and decides this kink is something he never knew he wanted, but now desired above all else. The only issue was trying to see if Lars would accept or reject him over it. Lars has always been the more dominant of the pair and ideally, Jonas wanted Lars to be his master and handler, which seems like a natural fit for them both. The majority of the story is about how Jonas tries to make that happen. When they learn more about themselves than they originally realised, it is wonderful to share their journey of discovery.
Even though this is a story based on kink – it is very sweet. The sex is hot, but overall, the issue is tackled with sensitivity , a healthy dose of angst, and much loveliness. I found myself going ‘aww’ quite a bit, much to the confusion of those around me (especially on the tube!) The puppy angle is so adorable. It is sexy and fun and extremely entertaining. The book is well written and provided a sweet interlude to many of the heavier kink books that are popular at the moment.
The author took a kink and wrote about it with no shame or weirdness attached. She made it part of a healthy relationship that merely enhanced the bond between Jonas and Lars and enhanced their relationship, and I have to say she did a great job. It is a bit fluffy and slightly unrealistic, but without the romantic element, it wouldn’t have felt so sweet. Whilst I personally prefer a much more grittier and edgy feel to the books I read, I have to say that I enjoyed Stay very much.