Psychopaths and Sinners by Jack L Pyke

Psychopaths and Sinners Don't: Book 5 by Jack L. Pyke 5 stars
Once again this author has outdone herself in producing a piece of work so exquisite it took my breath away. Seems a strange thing to say about a book filled with horror and cruelty, but in true Jack L. Pyke style, the raw emotions of her characters ripped my heart open and stole my capacity for oxygen!
The story includes most of the characters from the previous Don't books, including the newest crew, Ash, Raif and Chase. Gray, Jan, Jack and Martin and their continuing saga run alongside Ash's chaotic existence. When they all come together through a series of tragic and calculated events, it's nothing short of hazardous. But in the best possible way.
To say Jack L. Pyke's writing style is intense, would be an understatement. Her books require focused concentration and total commitment from the reader. The experience is far beyond the norm. As soon as you delve into her words, the outside world ceases to exist. It's quite wonderful. Instead of a mere reading experience, I find myself more of an onlooker. It's as if I am in the book observing the unfurling of the plot, rather than just reading the words on the page. Very few other authors have that effect on me. (Actually, Jack L. Pyke thanks Joseph Lance Tonlet in her acknowledgments, and he is definitely one of my go to authors; also capable of transporting me into his world).
The story this time is a continuation of all that has gone before. I had hoped for some happy ever after but of course, that's not the way their lives pan out. Not yet anyway. The good news is that Raif doesn't give up on Ash, just as Jan and Grey don't give up on Jack. They all experience troubled times in their relationships and discover much of what they thought to be true, is not real. The way their paths intertwine is cleverly constructed and seriously exciting. BDSM, the MC, MI5 and MI6 all feature as the threads that bind them together. The sub-plots are hinted at for later story telling and I am in suspense to know how they will develop.
Each character has a carefully constructed personality that makes them real. They are distinctive yet hold many similar values. Their principles are as warped as they are admirable and the violence is often beautiful in it's context. The love is complex but it's what pervades their every motive. How this makes for a sustainable relationship for any of them, remains to be seen.
There are so many different aspects to this novel that make it so captivating, it's impossible to describe. It's much easier to explain the overall effect it had on me than the actual plot-line, because nothing is predictable and everything is shocking and fantastic. There's too much to comment on effectively, so my recommendation is to read it for yourself. You absolutely have to begin the series with Book One Don't... You won't regret it - it will be one of the best things you've ever read.
Jack L. Pyke is a unique and talented author. Book Six is on it's way and I, for one, cannot wait.