Lost and Found by Quin & Perin – 4 stars
I have not read the other books in this series, however, this novella can be read as a standalone and I didn’t feel like I needed any additional history for me to enjoy the book.
Dave’s son Cody has a best friend called Carter. Carter is a very naughty boy in need of a Daddy with a firm hand to keep him on track. He literally needs to be told to eat, sleep, study etc. and he turns to Dave. They have an instant chemistry which Dave works very hard to ignore because he is friends with Carter’s parents, and of course Carter is Cody’s best friend. It all seems very wrong. Yet they are drawn to each other likes bees to a honey pot and eventually cannot be denied. The story depicts their flourishing dynamic in an extremely graphic and exciting way. However, when Cody needs more, Dave cannot commit. What follows is a whole heap of angst. The internal battle Dave has with himself over the morality of their union, combined with the struggle Carter has to move on without his Daddy, is highly emotional. What is essentially a fun and sexy romp, develops into a story that tugs at all your emotions.
This was a well written and intelligently constructed book. It was sexy, hot and decidedly kinky – a perfect recipe for me!