Jesse's Smile by Angelique Jurd

5 stars
What an absolutely stunning story. I fell in love with Jesse from the very first page and I can’t bear that I’ve finished the book – I can’t let him go. As for Drew; well, the man is just perfect in every way. This was a beautifully told story that captured my attention (and my heart) all the way through.
Jesse is 26 years old. He works in a pet store and he lives on his own in an apartment he bought with the help of his parents. Jesse is handsome and gay. Jesse is also on the autistic spectrum and has several other special needs; however, he is totally aware of his difficulties and none of them prevent him from thinking and behaving as an adult. He just sees the world a little differently and sometimes has trouble understanding certain situations. He is also dyslexic. However, all of these things merely contribute to making his character utterly adorable and so beguiling.
Drew is a 34 year old High School English teacher. He is also gay. When he needs to purchase supplies for his new kitten, he goes to Jesse’s pet store and is instantly taken with the gorgeous young man who helps him. From there on, the book relates their developing romance and relationship, and the obstacles they face from every corner. There is also a jealous ex-boyfriend of Drew’s to contend with, and 4 very over protective and concerned parents. The storyline is engaging and I was completely absorbed in it from the very beginning.
As you can imagine, the relationship between Drew and Jesse is extremely special. There are many sensitive issues that the author handles spectacularly well. I love her style of writing which is a little different, but it did not affect the flow of the story. All the characters are amazing. The scenarios Jesse and Drew find themselves facing are dealt with fantastically, and I kind of felt about Jesse the same way Drew did. I feel this is down to the author’s ability to describe events in such a way to make you feel you are thoroughly invested in the outcome!
This book made me laugh and cry. It ramped up the angst levels in parts and was justifiably hot in others. The sex is passionate and vividly depicted, much to my delight! I could relate to the parents’ concerns as well as feel the frustration experienced by both Jesse and Drew. I am so grateful to have discovered this amazingly beautiful book and would highly recommend this to everyone to read.