Jared's Fulfillment (Jared and Kieran book 2) by Riley Hart

This is the second book in the series that is part of the Desires Unleashed Collection. If you are a fan of Riley Hart then you might be surprised at how deeply erotic these books are as opposed to her other books which are very sexy but more romantic. For myself, I was blown away by Jared & Kieran and their beautifully unconventional relationship.
Jared's Evolution saw them get together and forge a Daddy/Boy dynamic that forced Jared to discover a kink he never knew he had. In Jared's Fulfilment we learn how that relationship develops for both men and soon find out that it may not survive.
Jared finally admits he is in love with Kieran. This is not news to the reader - it's clear that he worships Kieran on every level and falling in love was inevitable. That sounds like it should lead to happy ever after, yet Kieran does not want to be in a romantic relationship. He made that very clear from the start and realising that Jared, his boy, has fallen involve with him, makes Kieran very uncomfortable.
Kieran has issues that he carries with him from his past that have impacted his ability to commit. We find out why and learn how this affects Jared. It ultimately is the pivotal reason as to whether they have a future or not and I carried a lot of angst for a lot of this book in fear that Kieran might leave Jared.
I'm not going to tell you anymore about the actual story as I don't do spoilers. I literally inhaled every page then ground to a halt when I realised I was near the end not wanting to finish. I was deeply affected by this pair and their needs and their devotion to one another. I loved Marco too - he becomes a great friend to Jared and becomes an integral part of the story.
I think Riley was extremely brave to publish Jared & Kieran's story. Even though it's not really a taboo, it is very far from mainstream and I suspect not everyone will understand the appeal of the particular kink/lifestyle. For me, I found it intriguing, erotic, stunningly beautiful and utterly mesmerising. Both characters were incredible and credible at the same time.
This book left me emotionally raw and I was thinking about it long after I'd finished. I highly recommend if you want a well written and constructed, sexy, erotic, provocative read.
5 stars