Hunter by H.J. Perry

3.5 stars
Pip is the central character in this new story by H J Perry. He is 18 years old and about to graduate high school in his small town by the forest. All his life, Pip has been bullied and belittled an he cannot wait to get on with the rest of his life and leave the high school bullies behind. He knows he's different; not just that he's gay, but a bit of a dream and not socially extrovert. Pip yearns for something but he's not quite sure what that is yet.
On the evening after graduation Pip finds himself once again victim of 3 bullies and ends up stranded in the forest tied to a tree. This sees the beginning of a new stage in Pip's life when he is rescued by a mysterious man and his pack of wolf like dogs. However, the man who Pip names Hunter is not of this world and the realm in which he lives is very different to the modern world that Pip inhabits.
Without giving too much away; Pip is seduced by this god-like creature and discovers a lot more about his fate and destiny.
H J Perry has created an intirguing fantasy world filled with magic and mystery and sensual delights. Although this isn't the type of story I'm used to reading I found it quite interesting and enjoyed it for the most part. Some of it was a little bit too unbelievable for me and I would have preferred more in depth explanations about the circumstances of Pip's past, but overall this was a sweet and engaging read.