Gideon by Lily Morton

5 stars
The 3rd book in Lily Morton’s gorgeous Finding Home series is another spectacular read from this author who just keeps getting better and better, in my opinion. Her writing style is a joy of wit with a clever use of the English language that makes me stand up and applaud with relief. It is such a pleasure to read something that is written so well that you lose yourself in the story, instead of being distracted by poor grammar and ineffectual editing. Aside from that, however, is the amazing way Lily Morton creates characters that are utterly enthralling; totally captivating, and of course, as sexy as hell. I’m as turned on by their dialogue as I am by the sex scenes!
Gideon is our next delightful victim. I say that, because the heroes of these books are not the ones you would expect. While Gideon is a highly successful and popular actor, famous for his handsome looks and rousing vocal skills, it is Eli who really stands out as the strong one, bewitching Gideon and making think about things he’s been too scared to face up until now. When Gideon falls foul of the celebrity lifestyle he lives vicariously on a daily basis and becomes terribly ill, his brother Milo employees Eli to nurse him back to health. There is a strong attraction between the two men and as they get to know one another better, it becomes harder to deny themselves. However, Eli is a professional and while he is working as Gideon’s nurse, he won’t cross the line by sleeping with his patient. Meanwhile, Gideon is not out to the public and his manager has done everything he can to keep his cash cow client closeted.
This truly engaging story winds around these two men and their developing affection for one another. It takes them back to Chi an Mor where the cast of the Finding Home series can be found poking their nose into other people’s business. It makes for amusing reading while at times, it is heart wrenching and raw too. What are Gideon and Eli to do? Can the grumpy and obnoxious celebrity give up everything he’s worked his whole life for and declare himself gay to his adoring public? Can Eli be with a man who might not ever come out of the closet? These are the issues that the author tackles through the eyes of both Gideon and Eli. It is a profoundly wonderful love story and I can’t wait for more from this author.