Daisy, Yellow (Paw Prints #1) by Angelique Jurd

4 stars
This was entirely too cute the whole way through. Daisy, a lab puppy, was just adorable but her new owner, Noah and the vet he takes her to, Hunter, are equally as gorgeous. This book had al the feel and was a really great read. To be honest, I originally thought it was going to be too sweet for me, but when things turn heated, oh boy - do they ever!
I liked this story very much. It was a fairly typical boy meets boy etc plot, but with the addition of a fur baby and a great underlying message, I was totally engaged the whole way through. The writing flows wonderfully and conjures up vivd depictions of characters and scenery that made me really feel part of the story. There was a lot of sensitivity for Hunter who, while not specifically closeted, does not live his life out. However, when he does get to experience aspects of being with another gay man, he is extremely eager ad very confident which is a real turn on for both Noah, and the reader I might add!
Daisy, Yellow was completely different to, and a million miles apart from Jesse's Smile which is also by Angelique Jurd. In this way, the author has shown herself to be diverse, with the talent and ability to produce varied pieces of work. I look forward to reading many more of her books.